
Welcome to Get Fit Great Falls!

Get Fit Great Falls is a coalition of like-minded people who encourage neighbors, family, and friends to get active and make healthy choices when selecting foods for their dinner table.


115 4th St S, Great Falls, Montana


GFGF Launches “Get Fit Inspired” Menu Items at Participating Locations

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GFGF Launches “Get Fit Inspired” Menu Items at Participating Locations

Get Fit Great Falls (GFGF) is a community organization devoted to promoting healthy lifestyles to the people of Great Falls and Cascade County.  We are excited to share a new method of promoting healthy eating opportunities in Great Falls.  GFGF is currently developing a “Get Fit Menu” that will share menu items of participating restaurants that are “Get Fit Inspired.”  The approved menu items will be items that meet our identified nutritional requirements (see below).

Food establishments were sent a letter in mid-June outlining our program. Menu items that met our criteria will be compiled into a “Get Fit Menu” available on our website, app and Facebook page.  Participating business will receive publicity as well as “GFGF Inspired Menu Item” window clings that can be displayed on windows.  Our goal is to help people easily identify healthy choices when they’re out to eat in Great Falls.

If you are a restaurant owner or a patron that enjoys a healthy dish in town- we would like to partner with you.  Please fill out our menu item submission form located on our website at: http://getfitgreatfalls.com/nutritional-information/. You may submit as many menu items as you would like and you can also submit pictures to accompany your submissions.  Menu items can be submitted on a rolling basis.  If you have questions regarding this project or would like help looking at nutritional content of your menu items please email us at getfitgreatfalls@gmail.com, or contact Erin Merchant at 406-529-5396

Get Fit Encouraged Menu Item Guidelines


  • Fruits and or vegetables (1 cup serving for raw, ½ cup for cooked)
  • Lean protein (3-4 ounce portion)
  • 750 calories or less
  • 8g of saturated fat or less
  • Optional: Whole grains (2 ounces or ½ cup portion for cooked grains)



  • 250 calories or less
  • 3g of saturated fat or less


*** Deep fried items should be excluded

*** Beans can count as a vegetable or a protein- not both in the same recipe.


Use www.supertracker.usda.gov to find nutritional information for recipes.

Kim Ochsner

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