Now Accepting Applications for 2020’s “Park Pals” Program
Help mentor and feed children this summer by serving with Get Fit Great Falls. Get Fit Great Falls promotes the benefits of healthy lifestyles to the citizens of Great Falls and Cascade County through a unified community effort that encourages cultural and systemic change.
The Summer Associates, also known as Park Pals, will coordinate with the local school district’s food truck, which brings meals to hungry kids during the summer, and the Bookmobile, which brings books to those same children at similar locations. While being served lunch, children will be engaged physically and mentally by the Park Pals through activities designed to enrich them. In doing so the Park Pals will help end the educational backslide many disadvantaged children undergo during the summer months. Apply here!
For more information or questions about this listing, email us at getfitgreatfalls@gmail.com